Lorraine T. Benuto, Ph.D.
Lorraine T. Benuto is a clinical psychologist and assistant professor of clinical psychology. She received her doctoral degree in psychology from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas in 2009 and completed an internship at the Veteran's Administration in San Juan, Puerto Rico. While Dr. Benuto's research is broadly focused on ethnic minority behavioral health, much of the work that she does is focused on interpersonal violence, trauma, and Post-Traumatic Stress disorder. She is currently director of the DICE Center; and of three clinical service programs: La Cliníca VIVA, THRIVE, and SIERRA Families. The programs are focused on providing behavioral health services to Spanish-speaking Latinx community members, victims of interpersonal violence, and children who are at risk of abuse (respectively).
Chapter 25 - Syndrome Evidence: CSAAS & RTS
William O’Donohue, Ph.D.
Lorraine Benuto, Ph.D.
Gwendolyn Carlson, Ph.D.
Natalie Bennett, Ph.D.